Virtual Olympiad Logo

Olympiad Database

Massive collection of categorized and indexed contest problems.

Problems, All The Problems.

Access our massive schemaful collection of indexed contest problems, fully categorized with tags, difficulty, sources, etc. AMC, IPhO, Classics; you name it, VODB probably has it.

IMO 2022 Problem 3

Let xx be a positive integer and let SS be a finite set of odd prime numbers. Prove that there is at most one way (up to rotation and reflection) to place the elements of SS around the circle such that the product of any two neighbors is of the form x2+x+kx^2 + x + k for some positive integer kk.

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Contribute to VODB by uploading problems and populating metadata.

Fully Indexed.

The goal of VODB is to comprehensively index contest problems. This includes problem source, author, date, estimated difficulty, and tags such as subtopics. VODB is carefully populated by a small community team to ensure the correctness of the content.

API Upcoming

VODB is made possible by the community, for the community. We store the problems in raw LaTeX, which can be rendered into different forms, like images. Soon, you'll be able to build VODB-powered applications by accessing our database, for free.